Wind Damage Home Claims Help

Wind damage is typically covered in all homeowner insurance policies sold in our area of the country.
We are not restricted or limited to purchasing a Homeowner Insurance Policy that names Windstorm – Hail” in the SECTION 1 – PERILS INSURED AGAINST part of the policy.
You might have a high wind deductible specific to wind damage. Or maybe a “Hurricane – Tropical Storm deductible specific to a named storm. These deductibles are typically a percentage deductible that can be 1% -5% of the Coverage-A Dwelling Building limit of liability.
So, that said the need to know if it is worth filing a Windstorm Damage home insurance claim comes down to how “high” your deductible is and is it worth filing the claim.
Let’s face it $300,000.00 COVERAGE LIMIT for Coverage A Dwelling if you have a 5% wind deductible would equal $15,000,00 Dollars.
In addition, insurance companies are getting smarter and smarter these days.
They are making it mandatory to attach a “Cosmetic Roof Exclusion Endorsement” that will specifically exclude damage to exterior surfaces, including walls, roofs, doors, windows, and or siding systems.
This impacts the appearance of the exterior but not the functionality of the roof, or siding and etc.
So, repairs to a roof or siding system only need to be done with materials that are functional. Not repairs that match or conform to the remaining areas of undamaged property.

A Game Changer…Unfortunately for the worse.
This is why we need to see your Homeowner Insurance Policy. Making certain that you DO NOT have this type of endorsement made part of your policy. Because if you do, then we are limited to the negotiation arguments that increase a Roof Damage Insurance Claim Settlement.
We are just being HONEST and upfront with you!
There are times when insurance company adjusters will only allow for 5, 10, 15 shingles to repair the roof. Knowing that your original roof materials are no longer manufactured or available. The shingles or siding are no longer manufactured and the newer shingle – siding repair will not conform to the remaining system. So, you must push back hard, and fight, fight, fight this type of repair.
- You owe it to yourself to call Advocate Public Adjustment when your home or business sustains wind damage. We are Your Wind Damage Public Adjuster who will deliver the results you deserve as a policyholder when wind damages your home.
- The wind damage insurance claim valuation process can be complicated if you are not trained properly. Since 1992 Rick Kinney has been negotiating Wind Damage Home and Business Insurance Claim Settlements for the policyholder named insured.
- Please understand that all claims filed these days are entered into the “CLUE” database. Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. This means that if you were to sell the property you would need to disclose the fact the you had a WIND DAMAGE occurrence.
- The new buyer will want to know this fact and will be concerned about what was and was not paid for in the repair settlement. Typically, you will need to show the claim documents.
- Advocate Public Adjustment understands this very well as Your Advocate in Wind Damage Home and Business Claims.
- Experience with Wind Damage Home Claims Since 1992 is a critical element when processing and negotiating a successful wind damage claim settlement from start to finish on your behalf.
- Advocate Public Adjustment Public Adjusters have the wind damage experience and knowledge with proper building construction methods, proper wind damage mitigation techniques and with wind damage evaluation estimating systems that create thorough detailed line by line unit cost insurance estimates used in the industry. This works to your advantage.
- One call to “Your Wind Damage Public Adjuster” can change the anxiety levels you may develop with a quick rapid response taking control once Advocate Public Adjustments Public Adjusters are on the scene.
- Insurance companies are in business to make money and not give it away. This is called “PROFIT”. They make it hard for you to receive what you are really entitled.
- Advocate Public Adjustment Public Adjusters will make certain to maximize your home, or business personal property wind damage insurance claim.
- Your home is your most valuable possession that is unless you have children of course. We protect your assets and cover your interest making sure that you are compensated for every dollar owed to you under the policy that you purchased.
- Advocate Public Adjustments Public Adjusters will see that your property is restored back to a Pre-Loss Condition that existed prior by avoiding the haggling and stress your insurance company will impose on you when filing a Wind Damage insurance claim.
Contact Advocate Public Adjustment Public Adjusters today to start the wind damage insurance claim process.
(215) 364-4546 / (215) 622-0090
Get maximum benefits that you deserve from a Wind Damage Insurance Claim.